Friday 25 March 2011

My Trip To The Dentist

My dentist was blunt: my teeth are in a ruinous state. Just spent an hour being injected, drilled and lectured. And the worst part? I saw the whole gory spectacle. There was a tiny reflective panel in the overhead light. Morbid curiosity held my gaze; I was complicit in my very own, extremely intimate, snuff movie.

And while I recover, left side of my face paralysed like a stroke victim, I think about the inevitable deterioration of the human body. It comes to us all eventually, the stark realisation that we are, in fact, mortal.

But I can handle the existential angst, the aching jaw and the belittling lecture. It’s the sodding great bill that truly brings a tear to the eye. I won’t divulge the cost (I’m a little embarrassed by it if I’m perfectly honest), but let’s just say I’ll be shopping at Lidl for the foreseeable future.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, that's disturbing man. But you're right, these are all part of life. Our body will grow old and weaken and our teeth are definitely no exception. Taking care of them is fundamental, and regular dental checkups is part of package. They may be a bit expensive. But preventive maintenance is cheaper than dentures or implants.
