Sunday, 17 October 2010

Parky’s Petulant Shit-flinging

Sir Michael Parkinson, CBE. What a sanctimonious old tit.

The silver haired misery guts decided to get all huffy about Russell Brand’s sashgate ‘scandal’ a full two years after the incident actually took place. His sulky disapproval was made public in his appearance on Paul O’Grady’s chat show. Russell Brand, also a guest on the show, was accused by Parkinson of having acted ‘daft’. Like an angry headmaster scolding a child he demanded to know ‘what’s funny about it?’

Parky’s petulant shit-flinging continued with his appearance on Five Live where he labelled Brand ‘pointless, artless, unfunny and creatively dull’. By aligning himself with the joyless, hate-fuelled Daily Mail mob, Parky has nailed his colours to the mast.

What really makes my cock weep blood is how the retired chat show host never misses an opportunity to remind us of his journalistic roots. Objectivity, detachment, research – all the hallmarks of good traditional journalism and all completely ignored by Parkinson in his dogged quest to slur Brand. Perhaps if Parky were to remove his head from his arse and venture outside his opulent palace of splendour from time to time he’d notice that Brand is one of the most unique and gifted comedians this country has ever produced.

The sickly sweet sycophancy that characterised Parkinson’s interviews became increasingly contrived and unpalatable as the years passed by. Thankfully they are no more. Less to be thankful about is Parkinson’s lack of direction. Without an endless supply of celebrity colon to climb up Parky has resorted to petty name calling. For Christ’s sake someone give the man another chat show, some grotty cable channel will suffice, if only to keep his clumsy mouth occupied. Senility will take care of the rest.